JuliusFreudenberger 47b438bd0b Add marudor api for departures for stations in whole germany
Succeeds vvs command which uses an api which is no longer reachable
2021-02-12 20:38:08 +01:00

78 lines
2.9 KiB

import re
from datetime import timezone, timedelta
import requests
from dateutil.parser import parse
from exceptions import ServerCommunicationError, StationNotFoundError
parse_regex = r' to | times | in '
def handle_marudor_departures(update, context):
command = ' '.join(context.args)
arguments = parse_arguments(command)
eva_id = get_eva_id_for_station_name(arguments['station'])
departures = get_departures(eva_id)
if ' in ' in arguments:
departures = filter_line_names(departures, arguments[' in '])
if ' to ' in arguments:
departures = filter_destination(departures, arguments[' to '])
departure_count = 4
if ' times ' in arguments:
departure_count = int(arguments[' times '])
departures = departures[:departure_count]
for reply in build_reply(departures):
def parse_arguments(command: str) -> dict:
included_commands = re.findall(parse_regex, command)
parameters = re.split(parse_regex, command)
return dict(zip(['station'] + included_commands, parameters))
def get_eva_id_for_station_name(station_name: str) -> str:
request = requests.get(f'{station_name}')
if request.status_code != 200:
raise ServerCommunicationError
response = request.json()
if len(response) == 0 or 'id' not in response[0]:
raise StationNotFoundError
return response[0]['id']
def get_departures(eva_id: str) -> list:
request = requests.get(f'{eva_id}?lookbehind=1')
if request.status_code != 200:
raise ServerCommunicationError
response = request.json()
return response['departures']
def filter_destination(departures: list, destination: str) -> list:
departures[:] = [departure for departure in departures if
destination.casefold() in departure['destination'].casefold() or destination.casefold() in departure[
return departures
def filter_line_names(departures: list, line_name: str) -> list:
departures[:] = [departure for departure in departures if
line_name in departure['train']['name']]
return departures
def build_reply(departures: list) -> list:
if len(departures) == 0:
return ['No departures found!']
reply = [f'Next departures for station: {departures[0]["currentStation"]["title"]}']
for departure in departures:
reply_text = f'{departure["train"]["name"]} to "{departure["destination"]}" at ' \
if 'delay' in departure['departure']:
reply_text += f' (+{str(departure["departure"]["delay"])})'
return reply