import logging import requests from telegram import InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTextMessageContent from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, InlineQueryHandler token_file = open("token", "r") updater = Updater(, use_context=True) token_file.close() dispatcher = updater.dispatcher logging.basicConfig(format='%(acstime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) class Query: input = "" station_id = -1 departure_count = 4 line_filter = -1 destination = "" def __init__(self, args): last_index_string = len(args) if args[-1].isdigit(): self.departure_count = int(args[-1]) last_index_string -= 1 request_tmp = ' '.join(args[0:last_index_string]).strip() separator_index = request_tmp.find(" to ") if separator_index != -1: self.input = request_tmp[:separator_index - 1].strip() self.destination = request_tmp[separator_index + 4:].strip() else: self.input = request_tmp if args[0].isdigit(): self.station_id = args[0].strip() else: self.station_id = search_station(request_tmp[:separator_index].strip()) def start(update): update.message.reply_text("Hello") def search_station(query): request = requests.get("" + query) if request.status_code != 200 and len(request.text) > 2: return -1 else: return request.json()[0]['stationId'] def get_vvs_departures(update, context): if len(context.args) == 0: update.message.reply_text("No argument specified") return query = Query(context.args) if query.station_id == -1: update.message.reply_text("No station matching this name found!") return request = requests.get("" + query.station_id + "/departures") if request.status_code != 200: update.message.reply_text("Error with server communication") update.message.reply_text("Next departures:") printed_departures = 0 for station in request.json(): if station['direction'].casefold().find(query.destination) != -1 or station['direction'].find( query.destination) != -1: update.message.reply_text( "Line " + station['number'] + " to \"" + station['direction'] + "\" at " + station['departureTime']['hour'].zfill(2) + ':' + station['departureTime']['minute'].zfill(2) + " +" + str(station['delay'])) printed_departures += 1 if printed_departures >= query.departure_count: break def inline_station_search(update, context): query = update.inline_query.query if len(query) < 5 or not query: return results = list() for station in get_station_id_list(query): results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( id=station['stationId'], title=station['name'], input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent("/vvs " + station['stationId']) ) ), results) def get_station_id_list(name): request = requests.get("" + name) return request.json() inline_station_search_handler = InlineQueryHandler(inline_station_search) dispatcher.add_handler(inline_station_search_handler) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('vvs', get_vvs_departures)) updater.start_polling() updater.idle()