
94 lines
2.8 KiB

import json
import re
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
from pyopenmensa.feed import LazyBuilder
from utils import Parser, Canteen
allergens = {
'Gl-a': 'Weizen',
'Gl-b': 'Roggen',
'Gl-c': 'Gerste',
'Gl-d': 'Hafer',
'Gl-e': 'Dinkel',
'Nu-a': 'Mandeln',
'Ei': 'Eier',
'Er': 'Erdnüsse',
'So': 'Soja',
'Sn': 'Senf',
'Kr': 'Krebstiere (Krusten- und Schalentiere)',
'Fi': 'Fisch',
'ML': 'Milch/Laktose',
'Se': 'Sellerie',
'Sf': 'Schwefeldioxid und Sulfite',
'Sa': 'Sesam',
'Lu': 'Lupine',
'We': 'Weichtiere',
'ALK': 'Alkohol'
additives = {
'1': 'Farbstoff',
'2': 'Konservierungsstoff',
'3': 'Nitritpökelsalz',
'4': 'Antioxidationsmittel',
'5': 'Geschmacksverstärker',
'6': 'geschwefelt',
'7': 'geschwärzt',
'8': 'gewachst',
'9': 'Süßungsmittel',
'10': 'enthält eine Phenylalaninquelle',
'11': 'Phosphat'
legend = {
'F': 'Fisch', 'G': 'Geflügel', 'K': 'Kalb',
'L': 'Lamm', 'R': 'Rind', 'S': 'Schwein',
'W': 'Wild', 'top': 'Empfehlung',
'V': 'vegetarisch', 'vegan': 'vegan',
multiple_whitespaces_regex = re.compile('\\s{2,}')
def get_meal_data(url, today=False):
canteen = LazyBuilder()
with urlopen(Request(url, None, {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})) as response:
data = json.loads(
if len(data) == 0:
return canteen.toXMLFeed()
canteen_data = data[list(data)[0]]
menus = canteen_data['menus'] = canteen_data['canteen']
for menu in menus:
canteen.addMeal(menu['menuDate'], menu['menuLine'],
build_menu_name(menu['menu']) if len(menu['menu']) != 0 else menu['menuLine'],
build_allergens_additives(menu['allergens'], menu['additives']),
{'student': menu['studentPrice'], 'pupil': menu['pupilPrice'], 'other': menu['guestPrice']})
return canteen.toXMLFeed()
def build_menu_name(menu):
output = ', '.join(menu)
output = multiple_whitespaces_regex.sub(' ', output)
output = output.replace(' [', '(').replace(']', ')').replace('(vegan)', '')
return output
def build_allergens_additives(raw_allergens, raw_additives):
output = [allergens.get(element, element) for element in raw_allergens] + \
[additives.get(element, element) for element in raw_additives]
return output
def define_parsers():
with open('parsers/tuebingen.json') as canteen_file:
canteen_json = json.load(canteen_file)
parser = Parser(canteen_json['name'], meal_data_handler=get_meal_data,
for canteen in canteen_json['canteens']:
parser.define(Canteen(canteen['id'], canteen['suffix'], canteen['name'], canteen['street'], canteen['city']))